Inner Child Healing Workshop

Reclaiming Wholeness
Yoga House, Leicester, UK

In this transformative two-day workshop, we will learn the basics behind Inner Child Work and engage in deep and transformative processes.

By bringing awareness to our wounds, we begin to heal and come home to ourselves, thus being able to live a fuller, more connected, and authentic life.

Healing the Mother Wound

Consciously re-parenting ourselves
Yoga House, Leicester, UK

When securely attached to our mothers, we grow to love and accept ourselves fully. Unfortunately, this is not the case for many of us.

This workshop will help you bring consciousness to your Mother Wound, allowing you take steps towards healing by becoming your own loving inner parent.

From Codependency

to Love

The art of conscious relating
Yoga House, Leicester, UK

This workshop is a safe space to identify and explore those patterns that keep you from experiencing fully authentic, fulfilling and loving relationships to yourself and others.

Leicester Self-Healing Circle

Weekly Group Sessions
Leicester, UK

We do not heal in isolation but in community. This Circle provide a safe space to openly share and listen to our stories, to learn through and with others.

We heal together, we are seen, we belong.

Inner Child Healing Circles

Monthly Group Sessions
Leicester, UK

Each monthly session is designed around a specific topic relating to inner child healing and includes a combination of learning, practical exercises, reflections and group sharing.

Become the adult you needed as a child

Healing the Inner Child Series

The Wounded Infant
Coming Soon

When our infancy needs were not met, we carry a wound that cannot be remembered but can be recalled. We may struggle with trust, meeting your physical needs, fears of abandonment, feeling like you don’t belong anywhere, oral addictions and self-worth, among other things.

In this initial session of the Inner Child Healing Series we will reconnect with our infant selves and bring them the comfort, love and security they so desperately need in order to heal.

Healing the Inner Child Series

The Wounded Toddler
Coming Soon

When our inner toddler is wounded our sense of autonomy may be tarnished by shame and self-doubt. We may struggle with decision-making, insecurity, trouble being present, constant worry, among other things.

In this initial session of the Inner Child Healing Series we will reconnect with our infant selves and bring them the comfort, love and security they so desperately need in order to heal.